Sunday, November 28, 2010

Easily distracted by shiny objects

I swear I'm not going to be one of those people who starts a blog, writes two posts and then forgets about it, but it's law school exam time and actually transcribing the nonsense in my head takes a shocking amount of time. I would much rather do that than study, but since I still don't have a job lined up after graduation, my GPA still kind of "matters." I promise after exams I'll become a blog post-writing machine, but in the meantime I've added an awesome illustration by one of my friends to the first post, "Dexter and Jude Law: Murder Kittens." If you've ever wondered what a Murder Kitten looks like, you're about to find out (surely there's a joke in there about curiosity and killing and cats, but you're on your own). Happy Thanksgiving!

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